Saturday, 14 June 2014

Notepad Tricks -One which You cannot Abhor

Hi friends,today we present you some cool and Interesting Notepad Tricks that you can Perform.Notepad Comes as an inbuilt app in all versions of windows.Yes, It may look bit odd for you when I say it as an app because most of you know Notepad as Text Editor only. These tricks are harmless.

4 Notepad Tricks that will amaze you

1) Matrix Effect:

In hollywood movies we find numbers in Green Color Flashing really fast.
Something like this!

It is basically a Small Batch file that helps to do it.Just follow the below steps to do it yourself.


1.Open Notepad

2.Copy the Below Code

@echo off

color 02



goto start

3.Paste the code in notepad

4.Save it as matrix.bat and keep all types type.

5.Close it and double click on matrix.bat

6.See the magic!!

You can change the color at color 02 to any other number.

The no. random determines the no. of length in cmd.exe

2.Ghost Keyboard Typing:                                                                                 

This is a technique by Which you can make Notepad type Automatically whatever you want(according to the code instructions). That means I will share a script which will use to Display anything you want to and Notepad will type it for you.


1.Open Notepad

2.Copy the Below code.

set wshshell=wscript.CreateObject("wScript.Shell") "Notepad"

wshshell.sendkeys "A"

wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys "L"

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys "L"

wscript.sleep 200

wshshell.sendkeys " "

wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys "T"

wscript.sleep 140

wshshell.sendkeys "H"

wscript.sleep 200

wshshell.sendkeys "E"

wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys " "

wscript.sleep 50

wshshell.sendkeys "B"

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys "E"

wscript.sleep 170

wshshell.sendkeys "S"

wscript.sleep 100

wshshell.sendkeys "T"

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys " "

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys "!"

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys "!"

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys "!"

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys " "

wscript.sleep 120

wshshell.sendkeys "Try "

wscript.sleep 160

wshshell.sendkeys "This "

wscript.sleep 200

wshshell.sendkeys "Trick"

wscript.sleep 140

3.Paste the code in Notepad

4.Save it as somename.vbs and Choose All files in Save as type.

5.Double Click on the saved file to See this Live Notepad Trick

3.Make your Computer Speak:                                                                        

In the above trick we made notepad Type automatically but now we will our own text to Speech tool with the help of small script in Notepad. You will make your computer speak whatever you type.Feeling excited?Then follow the steps:

1.Copy and paste the code mentioned below in Notepad

Dim message, sapi

message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")

Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")

sapi.Speak message

2.Save it as Speak.vbs and choose All Files in save as type

3.Double Click on the File to See a pop up window.Type in Anything that you want ti convert in Speech.Then Click on ok.Wait a second or Two and hear it.

4.Get system information :  

Save a blank notepad as proficient.nfo

When you will open it you will get system information including Hardware and Software

Please share this tricks n social media using the below buttons.And In case if you encountered any problem comment below.

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