Sunday, 3 August 2014

Bibles for ECE students to get good score in GATE..!!

Books from where you are preparing for GATE matters a lot. Best books are listed out for ECE students who are preparing for GATE.

Network and Systems:  D.Roy Choudhary 
Integrated Circuits: K.R. Botkar
Op. Amps & Linear Integrated Circuit:Gayakwad,Roy Chowdhary
Digital Electronics: Morris Mano, R.P. Jain
Signals and Systems: Oppenhium, Wilsky & Nacob 
Antennas and Wave Propagation: k.d.prasad
Automatic Control System: Benjamin C.Kuo 
Control System Engineering: Nagrath & Gopal
Principle of Communication System: Taub & Schilling 
Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Sysems: Jordan & Balmain, JD Kraus
Network Analysis: Hayt and Kemmerly 
Digital Signal Processing: Proakis and Salehi
Control Sytems: BC Kuo
Analog Electronics: Boylestead, Sedra and Smith, Millman and Halkias

To problems use R.K.Kanodia

We are here to help you! Please comment If you have any queries or If you want any suggestions regarding GATE. If possible subject matters can be discussed :P