Wednesday, 4 June 2014

A Pen That Warns for Mistakes..!!!!

Lernstift a new innovation.It is a digital pen which warns when you do mistakes in writing.It recognizes writing errors and points them out with a subtle vibration - like a friend looking you over the shoulder as you write.It works autonomous - without further external devices or special paper.

Two central functions 

Writing legibly and Writing correctly. Lernstift helps with both - from legibly writing one's very first letters down to the correct spelling of exotic fruits on your shopping list.

Calligraphy mode

In this mode pen vibrates once if a letter written is wrong or illegibly.

Orthography mode

In this mode pen vibrates once for a misspelled word and twice to point out grammatical errors in a sentence.

Handwriting Recognition:

At a basic level the pen acts as a bidge between traditionl handwriting and digital technology by using its vibration capabilites to gently alert a student to a spelling mistake or give them haptic feedback if their legibility is suffering compared to a users stored baseline data.

User handwriting profile is created using Vision Objects text recognition software.

ARM Processor,128 Mb RAM

Recognition speed for block handwriting at 20 ms per character.


The pen operates on embedded Linux system and suite of sensors(gyroscope, Accelerometer and Magnetometer) to optimize the sysems motion recognition.

The board contains motion sensor,processor,memory,Wi-Fi and vibration module.
Every millimeter counts...

Lernisft Apps 

Lernsift is an innovative aid for kids and adults.
The sophisticated electronics recognize all writing movements and points out mistakes as they are being made - with an unmistakable vibration.

Via Wi-Fi the pen can be connected to computers and smart devices.With the help of apps one can look the learning progress.A broad range of other apps will be developed -from interactive learning games to digital note-taking and co-writing solutions all the way down to social media sharing and an own Lernstift community.

Here is a video by the founders of the company explaining the thinking behind the innovation.

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