Saturday, 17 May 2014

BBM Set To Come On Microsoft's Windows Phone Now..!!!!!

Hello..!! BlackBerry Messenger app, which was brought to the android and iOS app store last year, with nice rating..!!. Now this app coming to Windows Phone arena..!!!

         According to reports, the Canadian company is gearing up to bring instant messaging service to the third largest mobile company in the market..!!! BlackBerry competitors want to place this BBM app into windows phone arena ( like whatsapp, line etc )..!!

The BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), which earlier used to be exclusive to BlackBerry devices, was brought to both Android and iOS platforms last year..!! It compress with other more IM's like line, wechat Whatsapp.. But BBM has a healthy user base of about 85 million monthly users and around 113 million global registered users as per month of march 2014..!!!!

Being available on the Windows Phone platform will give presumably boost user base that BlackBerry currently has..!!!! The device is not only coming to windows phones, but also be soon available on the Nokia X platform..!!! 

John Sims, president, BlackBerry, He said " We've expand our BES10 and BBM messaging platformto include iOS and Android..!!!

Not only you can use this BBM app in windows phones or Android phones but you can use this app in PC by installing BLUESTACK from here..!!!

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