life is a programmer isn't exactly smooth sailing. coding can become frustrating sometimes and no programming language is perfect. They all have their highlights through. Here a bunch of languages that programmers dislike but use regularly...!
This high level programming language often irritates programmers with its indentation and high use of underscores and colons..
Avoiding it: Avoid working for Google, NASA and Yahoo.
This development environment for G has a GUI programming approach and can often become a little too complex.
Avoiding it: Don't take jobs that involve instrument control and industrial automation
It is sensitive, has different implementations for different browsers and has very weird rules of inheritance
Avoiding it: Don't become a web developer...
Programmers often that the tool control language has too simple a syntax and that it lacks pointers. In addition, it doesn't have the best semantics either and variable scoping is confusing....
Avoiding it: Cisco, CNet , AOL or any other place that uses the openACS platform or the AOLserver should be avoided
This is one of the most useful programming languages,but common complaints against it include a too big feature set, slow compilation and manual memory management....
Avoiding it: Don't be a game programmer and don't work for Google or Adobe..
6. PERL:
Perl is criticised for the fact that one thing can be done in too many different ways. Perl code is tough to read and maintain....
Avoiding it: Don't be a programmer if you want to avoid Perl.
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